Mumbai, August 24: The All India Importers’ and Exporters’ Association (AIIEA) expresses its appreciation to the Union Minister for Commerce and Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal, for conducting a physical, face to face interactive session on 20th August 2021 with various Export Promotion Councils, Commodity Boards and authorities to discuss measures for enhancing and increasing exports. The exporters’ councils have thanked the Minister for introducing RoDTEP and RoSCTL schemes while requesting the Minister to increase the rates announced in these schemes and extend the benefit to other sectors. They also sought, inter alia, the Minister’s intervention in addressing issues of the recent oppressive rise in ocean freights and shortage of shipping containers. The Minister, in his address, has made it clear that RoDTEP and RoSCTL schemes were not incentives but are rebates and remissions of duties and taxes paid by them and hence are WTO compliant schemes. He noted exporters’ concerns while lauding the Indian exporters for living up to the name of being trusted partners in the world trade despite many hurdles and challenges posed by the Covid-19. Mr. Goyal appreciated the confidence and determination expressed by export promotion councils and commodity boards to meet their assigned export targets. He also congratulated them for putting India well on the track towards achieving the current year’s merchandise export target of $ 400 billion set by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The Minister also congratulated the service sector for their outstanding contribution to the growth of India’s exports. He desired that the world-class standards achieved by the pharma sector be emulated by other sectors also.
Mr. B. Timothy, Vice President of AIIEA, commended the Minister for the progress made to sign harvest agreements to be followed by FTAs with Australia, UK, Canada, EU and GCC countries.
Email: allindiaimorterspv@gmail.com